CBD for Cats? Why Your Feline Friend Needs Cannabinoid Support
If you’ve never considered CBD for your pet, it’s time to think again! Your four-legged family members can benefit from a CBD supplement in many of the same ways you can. From support with chronic health issues to general wellness and vitality, CBD can be immensely helpful when added to your kitties’ diet.
Wondering where to begin? Here’s everything you need to know about CBD supplements for cats!
Is CBD Okay for Cats?

Yes! But ONLY CBD that has been specifically formulated with pets in mind.
There is a myriad of studies that support CBD use for humans and even a handful of studies conducted on CBD and dogs. Unfortunately, it seems that the scientists researching CBD have been mostly dog-lovers and overlooked the benefits of CBD for cats. There have been far fewer research studies regarding CBD and its effectiveness for cats.
That said, we do know a few things. We do know that the endocannabinoind system is present in humans, dogs, horses, cats, and many more mammals. This system functions primarily the same way for all of us. Additionally, there are many anecdotal stories of CBD being very helpful for cats. And as for those few studies that have been done, they’ve proven there are no notable negative effects of using pet-safe CBD to support your cat.
Can You Give Your Cat Human CBD?
CBD is safe for your feline if you’re giving her an appropriate dose and the formula is certified safe for pets. This means there aren’t additional compounds that could prove harmful to cats included in the recipe, and that it’s a potency her small body can handle.
You should NEVER feed your cat a supplement designed for humans. Sure, it’s tempting to simply add a drop or two of your CBD supplement to her food bowl. But, many human CBD supplements contain additional cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and additional nutrients that could be harmful to your pet. It’s best to look for a CBD supplement that’s designed with your feline and her body in mind.
What Are Some Benefits of CBD For Cats?

Just like humans, your cat has an endocannabinoid system that’s present throughout her body. In fact, cannabinoid receptors are found in almost every tissue throughout your cat’s body and brain. When she ingests CBD, the cannabinoids in the CBD bind to each one of those receptors and triggers the beneficial results that you already know and love about CBD.
Can CBD cure your cat of all ailments? Of course not! But, it can benefit your feline friend in a number of ways. We know from research that our four-legged doggy friends have experienced CBD benefits that include an improved mood, help with anxiety, and relief from short-term and chronic discomfort. Your cat? She can expect to experience much of the same when you add CBD to her diet.
CBD Can Help Improve Your Cat’s Appetite
Did you know that cats need to eat each and every day to stay healthy? But, they’re also notoriously picky eaters. CBD can help keep your cat have a strong appetite, so she’s eating as often as she should.
Most other mammals can fast for a few days to a couple of weeks without a problem. Your cat, however, isn’t able to skip meals or go without food for more than 2-3 days without facing some potentially life-threatening health issues. The cause behind this is a condition called Hepatic Lipidosis, or Fatty Liver Disease. It occurs when there is more fat infiltrating your cat’s liver than her body can handle, often thanks to a period of fasting (aka, not eating for 2-3 days).
Fat cells are stored in your cat’s body so that she has backup energy in case her food intake is less than normal or she eats something that’s not particularly bioavailable. Your cat’s body handles a lack of food by calling those fat cells to action and sending them through her bloodstream and to the liver where they can be transformed into energy.
When your cat’s liver gets overwhelmed by too many fat cells, it can cause some serious damage, and eventually, the liver may shut down. This is why it’s crucial for your four-legged friend to consistently eat her food. And this is also one of the reasons CBD can be beneficial for your cat. It supports a healthy appetite, so your picky eater is less likely to skip meals and stress out her liver.
CBD For Cats With Anxiety Has A Soothing Effect

There’s some truth to the term ‘scaredy-cat.’ Many cats are indeed cautious, anxious, or stressed. For some, it’s an ever-present state of mind, for others anxiety stems from an underlying health issue or physical discomfort. For others still, feline anxiety is caused by a particularly stressful situation.
And while occasional anxiety likely won’t have a lasting effect on your cat, serious and prolonged anxiety absolutely can. It can cause issues for her immune system, cognitive decline, and a host of other age-related issues that can harm your pet.
If your cat is anxious or stressed, CBD can help. It’s been shown to help calm your kitty down so she’s less stressed and better able to handle her anxiety. CBD can help your kitty by activating the serotonin receptors in her brain to release more of the happy hormone. This is also the hormone that helps stabilize your cat’s mood and perks her up if she’s feeling less than her best.
CBD Can Support Your Cat With Specific Health Issues

One of the most promising areas in which CBD can benefit cats is when it comes to supporting some specific health issues. While there’s still more research needed to confirm its effectiveness, there is anecdotal evidence that suggests CBD can be beneficial if your cat has seizures, arthritis, chronic discomfort, and more.
- CBD For Cats With Seizures: Whether your cat has Epilepsy or occasional seizures for another reason, CBD may help. It is neuroprotective thanks to the cannabinoid receptors in your cat’s brain and has been shown to decrease both the frequency of seizures in cats and the severity of an individual episode.
- CBD For Cats With Arthritis: If you’ve noticed your feline friend seems to have sore paws, trouble walking or swollen joints, arthritis could be to blame. CBD may be able to help! It’s been shown to help your pets body have a healthy inflammatory response and can even help her find relief from joint discomfort.
- CBD For Cats With Chronic Pain: If your cat has a chronic illness or is experiencing frequent discomfort, CBD may help with healthy pain management. While more research is needed to determine the efficacy of CBD for pain management in cats, promising studies suggest it has a positive impact on dogs and their discomfort.
- CBD For Cats With Digestive Distress: If your feline friend has a digestive disorder or the occasional upset stomach, reach for some CBD. It helps your cat’s body have a healthy inflammatory response, which can positively impact her gut health. Couple that with the fact that CBD can help with nausea and discomfort and it’s definitely worthwhile to add CBD to your cat’s food dish for digestive support.
- CBD Benefits Your Aging Cat And Her Brain: Both cats and dogs have a high concentration of cannabinoid receptors in their brains. This means that CBD is particularly neuroprotective for your pets and can be a helpful addition to their diet as they age. Your senior cat is facing cognitive decline, memory loss, and mood imbalance as she reaches her golden years and CBD supports healthy cognitive function through all of that and more.
How To Choose The Best CBD For Cats

First and foremost, when you’re looking for a CBD supplement to support your pet, search for one that is safe for cats and dogs. Both pets can typically consume the same supplement, though the dosing recommendations will vary between cats and dogs and is dependent on age and size, as well. Additionally, these are some things to keep in mind when selecting a CBD supplement for your pet:
Different Forms of CBD
While there are different types of CBD to choose from, it’s generally accepted that Full Spectrum CBD is the best option for your pet. Why? Because it offers broad support and includes a variety of phytonutrients, terpenes, and cannabinoids that all offer unique benefits for your cat.
Full Spectrum CBD contains compounds from the entire hemp plant and those compounds all work together thanks to the entourage effect. When your cat consumes a combination of multiple cannabinoids together, each compound is more potent and powerful than when consumed on its own. Toss in some terpenes, terpenoids, flavonoids, and phytonutrients too, and it’s a synergistic supplement that’s optimized to support your pet.
Palatability Matters
Have you ever tried to give your kitty a pill or brush her teeth? Then you know how much cats dislike anyone in or around their mouths! When you’re choosing a CBD supplement for your feline friend, consider how exactly you plan to add it to her diet.
If a formula is designed to be most effective when applied directly to your cat’s food or in her mouth, it had better be in a flavor she’s going to enjoy! Look for a CBD supplement that’s made to taste like something she loves like fresh fish, bacon, or another fragrant treat that’s feline-friendly.
Also, consider the carrier oil. If the CBD supplement is made with a carrier oil that’s got its own scent and flavor, your cat may not be a fan.
Quality And Safety Are Key
Because CBD supplements for cats are relatively new to the market, there’s still a lot of regulatory ‘gray space’ that can make it confusing for you as a pet parent to determine whether or not a supplement is suitable and safe. If you find yourself wondering what to look for, start with sourcing.
Search for a supplement from a company that provides transparency into their sourcing and manufacturing practices so you can determine for yourself if you feel comfortable with their quality standards. Any CBD supplement should come with an easily accessible Certificate of Analysis that documents safety, quality, and potency standards.
As with anything new, check with your vet first. It’s always a good idea to discuss your feline and her health with someone who knows your individual cat and her needs—and who can offer professional health advice. Just a heads up, not all vets are able to advise CBD though. There are individual Veterinary medical boards in each state, each with its own guidelines regarding CBD and pets.
If you’re hoping to add CBD to your cat’s diet and are met with resistance from your vet, consider looking for a holistic practitioner who specializes in herbal or alternative support. They’ll likely have better insight into the support it can provide your cat and be well versed in product recommendations, dosing, and feeding advice to help you add CBD to your cat’s daily regimen.
Wild Theory CBD For Cats

Ready to add CBD to your cat’s diet? PetSafe CBD Oil is perfect for your feline friend. It’s formulated with Full Spectrum CBD to support your cat and her health in a number of ways. It’s rich in cannabinoids that offer mood support, soothe stress, and benefit your uncomfortable pet.
It’s 100% safe for both cats and dogs and contains none of the bad stuff like artificial dyes, fillers, or flavors. PetSafe CBD Oil is formulated with hemp extract that’s grown and manufactured in the USA and backed by the strictest quality standards.
Still have questions about CBD and your pet? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team! We’d be more than happy to discuss your cat and how CBD can support your four-legged family members. Reach us here.