CBD for Psoriasis
From the outsiders’ view, psoriasis would seem to simply be an uncomfortable cosmetic or skin issue. But the root of it is far more concerning — it’s a sign that the immune system has gone haywire.
Understanding the Root of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease in which the body’s cells multiply at upwards of ten times the normal rate. For the average adult with a healthy immune system, new skin cells are generated about once a month. These skin cells slowly rise to the surface, to replace older skin cells that have died and fallen away.
For someone suffering from Psoriasis, these new skin cells generated far more quickly — every one to two weeks. Because of this, skin cells don’t have time to fall off. Instead, this overproduction leads to the buildup of skin cells.
The rapid production of skin cells causes the immune system alarms to go off and the body deploys T-killer cells to attack these rogue skin cells. This overactivity of the immune system, in turn, activates an inordinate amount of new cells. This autoimmune cycle leads the tell-tale raised silvery or white plaques on the skin.
Treatment Options for Psoriasis
Treating a condition like this with one single approach, such as a topical solution, will usually not be enough to curb the issue. The most common approach to treating Psoriasis are corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone or triamcinolone.
Corticosteroids come in many forms, such as creams, ointments, lotions, gel, and even shampoos. These can help with symptoms during flare-ups and may even help if applied during remission. Unfortunately, they do nothing to fight the underlying disease. Even more concerning is that the overuse of corticosteroids can thin the skin. Eventually, these options become ineffective.
Other treatments — especially for more severe psoriasis — are oral drugs. These can help tackle the underlying issue of autoimmune disease and inflammation, but for some people, the benefits don’t even begin to outweigh the risks, as these medications often come with many potential side effects.
CBD For Psoriasis
So if over-the-counter topicals don’t fight the disease and prescription drugs are too risky, can CBD be a viable solution for Psoriasis? The answer is a resounding YES!
Both oral CBD and topical CBD are excellent treatment support options for psoriasis. Combining both methods — oral and topical CBD extracts — is your best chance for success and is our recommended approach for effective support.
Oral CBD for Psoriasis
Oral CBD in either a sublingual CBD oil or a CBD capsule form are effective approaches in reducing inflammation and helping the body maintain homeostasis — two key areas of concern when treating Psoriasis.
When you reduce the body’s inflammation and bring balance to support your immune system, you can treat the skin from the inside out. This is the goal when taking CBD orally!
Topical CBD for Psoriasis
Topical CBD is also a great natural alternative to hydrocortisone creams. CBD can help relieve the irritation and itchiness that so often accompanies active psoriasis. CBD is able to penetrate deep into the lower layers of the skin. Here, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, helping to bring balance and calm irritated, over-active cells.
In a 2019 clinical study, scientists studied the therapeutic effect of CBD-ointment administered on severe skin chronic diseases. Twenty patients were observed, consisting of 14 females and 6 males between the ages of 20 and 80 years old. The individuals complained of the two most frequent skin disorders: psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, as well as complaints of resulting scars.
The major evaluated skin parameters of improvement were skin hydration, TEWL (Trans-Epidermal Water Loss), and skin elasticity. Results showed there were significant improvements in all patients, for all measured parameters, after a treatment period of three months.
The conclusion? The administration of topical CBD can be a safe and effective alternative for individuals suffering from skin conditions, especially for those who are battling psoriasis!
Wondering What Type of CBD for Psoriasis is Best For You?
We’re here to help! For our most therapeutic CBD topical recommendation, we’d suggest our Wild Theory 1000mg cream, paired with either our Black Label or Full-Spectrum CBD Capsules 25mg. If you’d like recommendations tailored to your situation, we’re happy to chat with you. Send us a message with your questions, and one of our CBD experts will respond!